Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Room with a View

My travels for Fish Taco Magazine have taken me to some exotic places to find some of the best that fish wrapped in a tortilla has to offer. But none quite so exotic as this one room restaurant with a view of a KFC/A&W combo fast food chain in beautiful downtown Provo.  This crispy tilapia based taco served at our very own Las Tarascas (lastarascasutah.com) on University Parkway. Given the best of Utah award for their fine Mexican food for 2 years. I enjoyed this taco and am going to go out on a limb and say it's the best I've found in Utah Valley thus far. But as any fish taco lover will tell you the search for the freshest fish and the most inviting tortillas will never end...


Andrew & Holly Larson said...

Looks like a true Utah county gem. Say, would you say that some beans would have paired nicely with that plate of rice?

D and J Larson said...

i did wish there were beans served along side this taco... but living without made for a nice light lunch.

Ben and Kimberly McEvoy said...

this is a weird blog. but i happen to be a fan of fish tacos, so i will comment. we do enjoy rubios on tuesdays, but i dont recommend going more than 8 tuesdays in a row, it has ruined it for me. i order a fish taco everywhere i eat in san diego, and so far, my favorite ever is still at ....surprise...surprise...Los Hermanos in Provo. I may be partial since i used to work there, but they grill their halibut right, and it tastes real nice with lemon. go try them out and tell me what you think.


Unknown said...

Did you like the Salsa Huichol(seen in the picture)? It is way better than Tapatio, It is from Nayarit Mexico. My family loves it with anything, especially fish tacos!